Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Truth Be Told I'm Just a Lazy POS!

Let's see, if my memory is correct, the last communication from me was ahhhh.. about eight months ago. I can't give a valid excuse for the silence other than lack of  UMP FT. Haven't been exactly silent in the course of my other cyber travels just this one I'm afraid. So, in the spirit of reconciliation I can only hope that if another bout of laziness rears it ugly head someone will HOLLER...... "Off YOUR A$$ and get to work!

Actually, if I were to catalog a list of excuses there would be a few that would fit the bill. And the usual suspects come to mind, of course there was the annoying issue with my ISP, the email was broke and the clutter with that god awful spam. Oh, let's not forget that virus that almost brought my computer to the junk heap along with all my critical data. Bla-Bla-Bla..... Your a lazy POS!

Here it is a year later since the last newsletter and the hot topic still remains the same.  Sandy! Since I wrote last we here in the NY metropolitan area still are dealing with her wrath but without the impending doom of 2012. Although the storm surge has receded its remnant is still very noticeable to all to many. Now that all the political showmanship has subsided the folks are still left to clean up whats left of their lives. 

Thank you Mr. Obumma and Gov. Kristy Kreme.

As I enter the holiday season I look back to see what has transpired that might put a smiley face on the past year. Yeah, I could do the "good news - bad news" routine but in the end, well, "it is - what it is"!  Not a whole lot has changed in my world over the past twelve months. AND THAT"S THE GOOD NEWS! I'm sure there are those of us, after reflecting on 2013 would be happy to settle for JUST THAT! I, for one, fall within that category. Thank God, my problems are only situations that I'm able to resolve and not left to others in their infinite wisdom and authority. I'm very lucky indeed.

If you look around the Blog it will become clear that not much has changed and that is usually the case, after all we have both been dormant. I wish I could say it was because of things to write about but that is not the case at all. Although there have not been any new revelations regarding the "Lost Tribe" there has been stuff worthy of print - BUT just not here on this Blog. Simply stated, they are matters of a personal nature, that should not be discussed on this blog. I think that is the problem in a nut shell.

Over the past year I've been in touch, via phone and email, with several of our brethren just to touch base and to see how things were going. Some of the stuff regarding health and the like is very personal and I struggle as to what to share and to with whom. In the end silence wins the day - thus this Blog goes quiet.

So, what is the end game you ask! What it all boil's down to is this, I have changed my expectations of what my vision of the Blog should be but will maintain it in a manner that those with interest will still follow it. In the remainder of the year I hope to fill in the gaps in the various areas of interest and possibly enhance those areas of less interest. So keep a lookout!

The original The Hatch Cover newsletter will be still available via email. It's a simpler means of sharing what's happening and leave the common knowledge stuff on the Blog. In the next couple of weeks a new edition of THC will be on the news stands. It will look the same but some what abbreviated for simplicity, so stay tuned.

With Veterans  Day behind us Thanksgiving is sure to follow. I for one dread the hassle of the travel and preparation that sometimes drains the goodness of the spirit. We all have people and family to be grateful to have in our lives. It is a very lonely time of year for those away from loved ones. As I recall in 1965 some of us could not be any further apart. We still have troops in harms way and far away from home this Holiday - keep them in your prayers. I will be at one of our local VA hospitals with other VVA brothers for Christmas.

We can not forget these warriors. We were forgotten once ourselves back in the day.

Have a safe and healthy holiday!

The Winchman

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